Senior Care News

Four Tips for Managing Kidney Issues at Home

Elder Care in Springfield PA: Minor kidney issues may be manageable with some small changes to your elderly family member’s lifestyle.

Whether your elderly family member has serious kidney problems or mild issues that are temporary, making some lifestyle changes at home can help. Work with her doctor to determine which areas are the biggest concern for your senior.


Elder Care in Springfield PA: Tips for Managing Kidney Issues


Encourage Your Senior to Drink Plenty of Water

Older adults become dehydrated easily and that is no good for your senior’s kidneys. The answer is to steadily drink plenty of water throughout the day. It’s no good to try to get all the day’s water in at one time because that can overwhelm her kidneys. Instead, make it a habit to encourage her to sip all day long. If drinking water isn’t palatable, mixing herbal teas in with plain water can help a bit.


Add Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables to Every Meal

Fruits and vegetables need to be the cornerstone of your senior’s diet. They’re full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients her body really needs, like fiber. They’re also hydrating, which is something else that her body needs. If your elderly family member won’t drink more water, then she definitely needs to up her fruit and veggie intake.


Look at Some of the Vices She Enjoys

Life is short and there’s no point not enjoying the time that she has here, but some of the choices your senior makes tax her body. Smoking, drinking a little too much alcohol, and picking foods that are high in sugar or salt might be things she enjoys, but they can wreak havoc on her kidneys. If your senior isn’t interested in cutting back on these vices, she might experience more trouble than she wants with some of her body’s systems.


Keep Other Health Issues Under Control

If your elderly family member has other health issues, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, these can complicate her kidney concerns. Keeping those health issues under better control allows her kidneys to relax a little bit so that they’re not working too hard all the time. This isn’t always easy to do, especially if your elderly family member has a lot of health issues, but even making the effort can help more than she might realize.

Even little changes can be difficult to stick to, no matter how much your senior wants to make those changes. Home care providers can help by making meal preparation a non-issue, offering plenty of water all day, and helping you’re senior to stick to positive choices.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elder Care in Springfield, PA, please talk to the caring staff at Better Care Home Health Services LLC today. Serving individuals and their families in Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks counties. Call Today: (267) 766-5218

Abiba Namen

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