What You Should Know About Heart Failure

Home Care in Havertown PA: As a family caregiver, the term heart failure can be terrifying. This sounds like your senior’s heart has just stopped beating, or stopped working.
Elder Care Providers Help Seniors Live with Fibromyalgia

Elderly Care in Havertown PA: Very little is known about fibromyalgia, a disease with no known cure and little understanding in the medical community about what causes it.
Products to Help Your Parent’s Hair Stay Fresh and Clean When They Cannot Bathe
Elder Care in Ardmore PA: Keeping your senior’s hair fresh and clean is an important part of maintaining their health and well-being, and keeping them feeling their best about themselves.
What Are the Risk Factors for Pneumonia?
Senior Care in Broomall PA: Information is one of the most important tools you have as a family caregiver. This information can help you to better care for your parent and help them to avoid the serious consequences that can come from such issues as pneumonia.
Knowing These 5 Skin Cancer Myths Could Protect Your Parent
Elder Care in Philadelphia PA: Your older parent grew up in the age when tanned skin came into fashion. Tanning was first introduced as a fashion trend by designer Coco Chanel in the 1920s.