Senior Care News

Caregiving: Five Facts About Caregiving That All Family Members Need to Know

Caregiving: Elderly care is often misunderstood. People think of caregiving as something an older adult needs in the end stages of life.

Caregiving: Elderly care is often misunderstood.

People think of caregiving as something an older adult needs in the end stages of life. It’s only necessary once a person is ill or infirm. That’s not the case. There are far more services available than that. Professional caregivers are a helping hand to help your parents maintain independence and the ability to age at home.

Learn more about the reasons older adults benefit from having paid caregivers with them each week. Here are the five home care facts you need to know.


Home Care in Philadelphia PA: Caregiving


Services Are Available When Needed

When your parents hire a professional caregiver, they’re not locked into one care plan for life. If their needs change, the plan can change. If they get over their illness that requires them to have help, they can stop having caregivers stop by.

You Can Use Caregivers to Take Breaks

What if you’re a family caregiver and need a break? That’s where respite care services are beneficial. You’re planning a two-week vacation in Europe, but you can’t leave your parents alone for that long. Arrange respite care services and have caregivers help out while you’re away.

Home Care Offers Support Without Taking Over

The goal of any caregiver is to offer just enough support to keep your parents safe. They’re not there to boss their clients around or take over everything. Your parents retain their independence and get a helping hand in the areas they need.

Companionship Is a Popular Service

Companionship is one of the most popular services offered by home care agencies. Your parents may not need help with things like meals, grooming, or housework. They can stop by to keep your parents company and prevent feelings of loneliness.

There Is a Backup Plan

You’re leaving for work, but your mom’s caregiver hasn’t arrived. You don’t have to rush to get the day off. Call the home care agency, and a second caregiver is dispatched until the original caregiver arrives. The backup plan ensures your parents never have to go without necessary care.

Now that you understand these facts about caregiving services, hire caregivers to help your parents with their challenges. Your mom may be great at cooking dinner, but she can’t drive to the store and needs someone to take her shopping. Your dad may have a hard time with personal care and grooming.

No matter what elderly care services they need, caregivers are easy to schedule. Call an elderly care specialist to discuss prices and availability.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Philadelphia, PA, please talk to the caring staff at Better Care Home Health Services LLC today. Serving individuals and their families in Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery, and Bucks counties. Call Today: (267) 766-5218

Abiba Namen

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